this section is a work in progress. i'm getting the structure in, then i'll make it prettier.

here you can find what amounts to a curated version of my grimoire: the essays i've formatted, the resources i've polished, and the scattered links and citations i've collated to better you, the spiritual seeker reading this. i consider diving into occult rabbitholes and surfacing hidden treasures part of my work as a warlock, so really, it's my pleasure.

the primary focus of my practise is my oath to the twin crocodile gods Sobek and Set. that means my practise is largely kemetic in nature, but the Nile is far from the only stream i draw water from. i'm also invested in my native scottish folk practises, and doing as much as i can about shinbutsu-shugo as one can without a sangha or living in japan. i've previously been a member of ar n'draoichte fein and kemetic orthodoxy, and maintain an unfortunately unslakable fascination with western occultism despite myself. i'm also not opposed to a bit of chaos magic from time to time, especially where it sits at the intersection of anarchist and otherkin history.

you could call me an eclectic and be correct, but i reject the neopagan habit of treating the world's spiritual traditions as if they all neatly fit into a gestalt new age cosmology. i'm all about primary sources and apprehending things in their original cultural contexts here. i hope this page gives you the tools you need to do the same.

