alterhumans are a coalition of people with alternative species identities, senses of embodiment, personal mythologies and narrative identities.

alterhumans are dragons, elves, dogs, cats, plants, robots, pool toys, gods, eldritch beings, pirates, ninjas, hive minds, greek choruses, folkloric figures, and anime characters. we are sometimes radical anarchists, insane mystics, feral hermits, transhumanists, and digital spirits. we're also normal people, and you probably already know at least one of us, even if you don't realize it. we have always been here. we will always be here. most of us are queer - in fact, maybe all of us, as some would argue alterhumanity is queer inherently. we transgress consensus reality by nature, even if some of us don't believe it ourselves. we shapeshift, glamourbomb, rend the veil, howl at the moon, consort with unseen entities, consort with each other, go to school, have jobs, buy groceries, make art about our experiences and maintain websites like this one.

large parts of this section of the site are a work in progress. i'm maintaining a list here of what i plan to build. watch this space!

and what of the creature who maintains this site? there is a lot to me. a lot of people, especially hardline classical otherkin and therians, will look at this and see a laundry list of identities. i think it's critical to understand, though, that i see my alterhumanity, for the most part, as one experience with many manifestations. here are the highlights:

these pages cover the feelsy, internal, subjective aspects of my alterhuman experience. alterhumanity in practise will be filed under the occult section of the website and linked to from here once i get around to that.